Carolina Survivor Clinic VOLUNTEER Opportunity

We are pleased to announce that we will support volunteer law students working with clients of the Carolina Survivor Clinic in their preparation for the Citizenship Exam.  The time commitment would be at most 1 hour a week but could be more sporadic, depending on the needs of the patient.  For more information about the Carolina Survivor Clinic check out:

How you get started?  Here are the instructions: Carolina Survivor Clinic Resources Sign up

Taxes, taxes, taxes

No one wants to talk about them, pay them or even think about the consequences but the Pro Bono Program embraces our role in helping low income taxpayers file their 2019 tax returns. The only way we can provide this service is with the help of an amazing tax team!  Our tax team includes volunteer law students ( and lawyers) who are certified to either prepare the return or conduct the intake interview.

FAQ- do I need to get certified right now? No, the winter break is the perfect time to slog through the material, prepare, and take the online certification test.

FAQ- will I get any help with getting certified? Yes, we have hard and online copies of an amazing resource guide.  There is also an online version of TaxSlayer, the software we will use to prepare and file returns, that you will use to complete the test questions.

FAQ- when will we prepare returns?  We will not start until Feb 15 and will work as a team each Sat. from 9-12 and each Wed from 5-8pm until the end of March.  The Cafe will be our team home!

How do you answer ‘The Tell Me About Yourself” Question…

As interview season starts to kick in to high gear. Here are some reminders and success tips.

“Tell me about yourself” may seem like an easy job interview question that your whole life has prepared you to answer, but the open-ended nature of this question leaves job seekers stumped on where to start. Does an interviewer actually want to know about your entire employment history and personal life?

This common question is actually a critical test of a job candidate’s communication skills, so you don’t want to wing it or screw it up. The good news is that if you can pitch the story of your career, it can help prepare you for any question that follows. “It’s at the heart of the entire interview,” said Judith Humphrey, founder of the Canadian communications firm The Humphrey Group. “What you’re really doing is you’re pitching yourself as an ideal candidate for that position.” Read more:Tell me about yourself


Best Class Fall Food Drive FINAL TALLY

Congratulations to the Class of 2021 who came together to donate 9,693 lbs and $ to Harvest Hope. They just beat out the Class of 2022 who collected a very respectable 7,209.25!  The Class of 2020 pull up the rear with just 897, giving the Law School a total of 17, 799.25.  Many families will have an abundant table this Thanksgiving because of your generosity. Thanks all.

And a special shout out to the small but very strong team who loaded the truck!