
Chili Cookoff for CASA

For several years the Law School community has come together for a Chili Cookoff to support the efforts of Richland County CASA. The proceeds from the $5/person fee is donated to them to help fund extras for their volunteers and the abused and neglected children they represent.

Anyone can enter a crock pot of chili! And we mean anyone!  The “chef” or designee just needs to sign up at:

Bring your hot and bubbly crockpot of goodness  on March 5th at 12:30 to the Perrin Lobby. The Cookoff part comes from the results of the ballots that each attendee gets with their $5 “donation”. The Hottest Chili, the Most Interesting Ingredient Chili and the Best Overall Chili are the three categories. Everyone wins but just three get a trophy!

Just not a good cook?  You can do your part by spreading the word, making a lunch date and eating the chili!


CASA Training Starts in 2 weeks!

The news is filled with stories about children being abused and neglected! This is not a big city issue but a national one and hits SC daily.  There is no way to prevent every incident but it is a proven fact ( not fake news!) that having an engaged, well-trained and caring guardian ad litem can make a huge difference once a child enters the child welfare system.  The GAL or CASA ( Ct. Appointed Special Assistant) in SC is a VOLUNTEER!  That means you and me.

The first step is to attend training!  Richland County CASA has made it very easy for you to attend training.  They are conducting it in Room 389 over a series of 6 evenings from 5:30-8:30 starting on Jan. 23rd.

Have class until 6ish? Not a problem, we have scheduled the training to be recorded by Panopto so you can catch up… but you do need to complete an application and other forms by the time training is over.

Interested in making a real difference in the lives of children? THIS IS THE BEST WAY TO MAKE EFFECTIVE CHANGE!

Applications in the Pro Bono Office, they must be completed by the end of training.  Contact Pam Robinson today,

Home for Thanksgiving?

Between family visits, football and turkey why not take a few moments to tell someone about your first, middle or last semester in law school?  What were your favorite classes?  What advice would you give some thinking of going to law school? What do you want to accomplish before graduation?  Other lawyers in your family? Compare and contrast experiences!  And a myriad of other thoughts.

One way to record your story is with the StoryCorps app    StoryCorps app

It is easy and your story will be become part of the Great Thanksgiving Listen and if you agree it can become part of the Library of Congress Folklife Collection!

How cool is that? Story on !!!!