Star Volunteer- Cori Stewart

All of our volunteers are stars but every once in a while one just outshines!  Cori Stewart is such a person!  She spearheaded the Cats v. Dogs Food Drive and tonight she starts training to be a guardian ad litem in Probate Court.  Always smiling and always thinking of ways to help, that is a Star Volunteer. Thanks Cori

Wellness Week- Thought

This past week we have focused on wellness, physical and emotional wellness.  During  this week you have heard about tools to help you personally and professionally but wellness is not a one a day pill!  It is a constant monitoring and continuous effort. It is also about reaching out to others.

Thought you might be inspired by this interesting TED TALK on emotional courage.


The BIG 30

You may have seen someone carrying around our big 30 and wondered what’s up!

This is the 30th Anniversary of the USC School of Law Pro Bono Program!  We are very proud of being 30 and want to share the news with everyone.  The big, red 30 even goes on the road!  Here was an amazing group at Harvest Hope Food Bank

Make sure to follow @USCLawProBono on Twitter. October is the month when law firms, association and schools celebrate pro bono and volunteers.  Each day during Oct. we are tweeting one of our student volunteers… with the big, red 30!